August 23, 2008

The message is in the LIGHT

So by now you are probably familiar with the LED red or orange light because they are the most common seen lights on the LED on your Blackberry Pearl. However there's a full spectrum of the lights that mean something for each color. Follow the diagrams below for a quick guide to know what your blinking LED lights represent (this is specially handy when your phone is on vibrate or silence while in a meeting so you can view that sucker without having to pull out your phone to view what's up).

Red LED light on the Pearl means a new message has arrived.
Blue LED light on the Pearl means that your device is paired with another bluetooth-enabled device
Green LED light on the Pearl means you are in a wireless coverage area.
Amber LED light on the Pearl means the battery power is low.


Unknown said...

I really like this feature of Blackberry phone.This is kinda unique.

Vishal Sood

Social Media Marketing - 383794992.135769

Unknown said...

Good comment Vishal

Sapna Gautam
Social Media Marketing - 561333731.811444