February 20, 2008

Need more storage on your BB Pearl?

Want more memory in your BlackBerry Pearl?

The BlackBerry Pearl has great multimedia features like the camera, mp3 player, custom ringtones and video player. What's even better is the RIM's smart usage of compression. Lucky for us, gone are the days of large data and slowed phones. As quoted from one of RIM's editor, Richard Evers, as he explains how he visualized further data compression and developed a more storage-friendly environment:

"The first project involved creating a lossless compression algorithm that eclipsed all known techniques used at the time. I started with the assumption that data can be repeatedly organized into patterns that can be compressed. By repeat reorganization and compression, extreme levels of compression should be possible..."

The Pearl itself comes with a small 64MB internal memory, however thanks to the external option of MicroSD Card you can now expand your storage space upto 8gb! The prices of these MicroSD cards can defer greatly as more users want bigger storage - they need to cough up more $! Below are the rough price estimation of MicroSD cards today (Feb 20, 2009).

Retail Prices:
512mb costs ~$10 CDN
1gb costs ~$20 CDN
2gb costs ~$40 CDN
4gb costs ~$60 CDN
6gb costs ~$100 CDN
8gb costs ~$120 CDN

Below are BlackBerry Pearl compatible MicroSD memory cards that you can purchase from eBay. (I won a 4gb Micro SD card for $35 CDN. eBay rocks! :-)

Shop for BlackBerry Pearl 512mb MicroSD Card
Shop for BlackBerry Pearl 1gb MicroSD Card
Shop for BlackBerry Pearl 2gb MicroSD Card
Shop for BlackBerry Pearl 4gb MicroSD Card

Shop for BlackBerry Pearl 6gb MicroSD Card
Shop for BlackBerry Pearl 8gb MicroSD Card

Enjoy and goodluck bidding! :-)

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